NXT Vengeance Day is set to take place from the Spectrum Center in Charlotte, North Caroline. The results coverage for WWE NXT Vengeance Day will begin at 8:00 p.m. ET and there will be a kickoff show at 7:30 p.m. ET.

These are live results, so keep refreshing as the show proceeds to get the best updates!

This is NXT’s first Premium Live Event of the year. Vengeance Day features an impressive lineup of matches. The show is headlined by Bron Breakker and Grayson Waller who will battle for the NXT Championship. The full match card for the show is as follows:

Two-out-of-three falls match

Apollo Crews vs. Carmelo Hayes

NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship Match:

Katana Chance & Kayden Carter (c) vs. Fallon Henley & Kiana James

NXT North American Championship Match:

Wes Lee (c) vs. Dijak

Fatal Four-Way Tag Team Match For The NXT Tag Team Championship:

The New Day (c) vs. Gallus vs. Pretty Deadly vs. Chase University

Triple Threat Match For The NXT Women’s Championship:

Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Gigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jayne

Steel Cage Match For The NXT Championship:

Bron Breakker (c) vs. Grayson Waller

NXT Vengeance Day Opener:

The opening package for the show airs.

The commentators welcome the audience to the show.

NXT North American Championship: Wes Lee (c) vs. Dijak

Wes Lee’s music hit and he walks out to the ring. Dijak’s theme song plays and he comes out to the ring.

The match begins and Dijak knocks him down before asking him to stay down. Lee lies down and as Dijak goes to cover him, he kicks him and sends him into the ropes.

Lee sent to the apron but he hits a hurricanrana sending him outside the ring. Lee dives on to Dijak but is caught and planted on the outside. He sends Lee into the ring. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Dijak viciously attacks Wes Lee. Dijak goes to work on Lee. He picks up and throws him across the ring. Cover! 1…2….kick out.

Lee goes for a cross body but is caught and tossed outside the ring. He goes after him and throws him into the barricade before sending him into the ring. Cover! 1…2….kick out. Dijak stomps Lee. He continues to attack Wes Lee in the corner.

Dijak goes for a diving elbow but Lee moves out of the way and Dijak is sent over the top rope. Lee fights back by punching Dijak in the corner. He sends Dijak into the turnbuckle and kicks him in the head. He then hits the bridge German suplex. Cover! 1..2…kick out.

Wes Lee dragged onto the apron. He picks up Lee but he fights out of it and hits the backdrop on the apron. He then dives onto Dijak on the outside. He sends Dijak in the ring. Dijak goes for feast your eyes but Lee reverses into the poisonrana and then plans him. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

He climbs up the top rope and goes for 450 but misses and hits him with the superkick. He goes for a springboard move but is caught and Dijak hits the chokeslam. Cover! 1….2…. kick out. Dijak goes for the crossed-face chicken wing and he is about to get to the ropes but Dijak goes for the feast you eyes but is rolled up.

Dijak goes for the chokeslam but he escapes and hits the superkick. He hits the ropes and Dijak with a big boot. Cover! 1……2…..kick out. Dijak with a superkick and a clothesline. Cover! 1…2….kick out.

Dijak climbs the second turnbuckle and drags Lee with him. He goes for a powerbomb but Lee reverses into the hurricanrana and he hits the corkscrew dive from the top rope. Cover! 1…2..kick out.

Lee goes for a suicide dive but Dijak sends him into the barricade. He then picks up a chair and places Lee on it. He then locks him in using a broom and superkicks. He then climbs the top rope and hits the moonsault but catches Tony D’Angelo and Stacks.

He then goes for a springboard move but is caught by Lee who then hits the backflip dropkick for the win.

Winner: Wes Lee (c)

*Commercial break*

Bron Breakker is shown arriving in the arena.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance are interviewed backstage. Katana says she has faced everyone. Kayden says the only things that concerns them is the titles.

NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Kayden Carter & Katana Chance (c) vs. Kiana James & Fallon Henley.

Kiana James’ music plays and he comes out with Fallon Henley. Kayden Carter & Katana Chance’s theme song hit and they walk to the ring from the crowd.

The match begins with Kayden Carter and Kiana James. Carter with a takedown. Kiana sends her out of the ring and Kayden slaps Jensen in the back. She attacks Kiana and tags out. Katana continues the attack.

They both tag out. Kayden attacks Fallon before tagging out. They both hit the moon sault and leg drop combo. Kiana tags in and she hits the back suplex. She tags out and Henley plants Katana in the ring. She then goes to work on Katana.

Katana tags out and Carter plants her and attacks James. She attacks both of them in the corner. Carter tags out and sends Henley out of the ring. They double-team their opponents.

Henley tags out and James goes for a back suplex but Katana reverses and tags out. James slams Carter. Cover! 1..2…kick out. Katana tags in and Carter slams her on James but she gets the knees up.

James tags out and Henley with a neckbreaker and they double-team her. Cover! 1…2…Kayden makes the save but is sent outside. James gets taken out by Kayden.

Henley and Chance exchange strikes. Kayden tags in and goes for a suplex but is blocked and both women jockeying for position. Katana joins in hits the hurricanrana from the top. Cover !1….2…kick out.

Kayden rolls up Fallon but she reverse and James helps her get the win.

Winner: Fallon Henley & Kiana James (c)

*Commercial break*

2 out of 3 falls match: Apollo Crews vs. Carmelo Hayes

Carmelo Hayes is introduced by Trick Williams before his music plays and he comes out to the ring. Apollo Crews’ theme song plays and he walks to the ring.

The match begins and Hayes with a takedown but Crews escapes. Crews with a takedown on Hayes. Hayes slaps Crews and he slaps him back. Hayes with a springboard move but Crews hit the dropkick.

He then slams him into the turnbuckle. He then hits the backbreaker. Hayes goes for a springboard move but Crews catches him and hits the German suplex. Trick distracts Crews and Hayes goes for a dive but he escapes and hits the clothesline. Crews then hits the moonsault.

He sends him into the ring and dives onto hjim. Cover! 1..2..kick out. Crews with a suplex. Cover! 1…2..kick out. Hayes hangs Crews up on the ropes. He goes after him and sends him into the ring.

Hayes attacks Crews. He goes to work on Crews. Crews fights back but is stopped by Hayes who hits the clothesline. Crews fights back with a couple of German Suplex. He then hits the back drop.

Crews kick him and hits the clothesline. Crews with a splash in the corner. He sends Hayes to the corner and kicks him in the head. Crews suplexes him to the ring. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Hayes slams him to the mat. Cover1 1….2…kick out. He hits the cutter. Cover! 1…2..kick out and Hayes transitions into the cross face and Crews taps giving Hayes his first fall.

Crews fights back but is knocked down. Hayes sends Crews’ face into the ropes. Crews with a couple of German suplexes on Hayes and he hits the standing shooting star. Cover! 1…2….kick out. He climbs the rope but is stopped and kicked by Hayes. He then hits the springboard leg drop. Cover! 1..2…kick out.

Crews hits the blockbuster DDT. Cover! 1..2…kick out. Both men fall off the top rope. Both men get back in the ring in time. Crews with a back suplex. Hayes with a codebreaker but Crews catches him and slams him. Trick removes the turnbuckle cover. He then informs Hayes about it.

Crews fights back and sends him into the exposed turnbuckle. Trick Williams is taken out by Dabba-Kato. Hayes with a springboard clothesline. He then hits the leg drop from the top rope for the win.

Winner: Carmelo Hayes

Following the match, Kato picks Crews up and hugs him. He then headbutts him. Kato then picks up Crews and slams him on the steel chair.

Fallon Henley and Kiana James are backstage celebrating their win. They congratulate each other. Brook says he loves it and Briggs suggests they go and have a drink.

Bron Breakker is shown getting ready for his match.

*Commercial break*

Fatal Four-Way Match For The NXT Tag Team Championship: The New Day (c) vs. Gallus vs. Pretty Deadly vs. Chase University

Chase University’s song plays and they come out to the ring. Pretty Deadly’s theme song plays next and they walk to the ring. Gallus’ music plays next and they come to the ring. The New Day’s music plays next and they come out to the ring.

The match begins with Kofi Kingston and Prince. Kofi with a hurricanrana and Woods tags in. He attacks Prince and sends him outside. He does the same to Wilson but he is caught by Prince. Kofi kicks Prince and sends Wilson crashing down. Woods attacks them and sends Prince into the ring.

Duke tags in and attacks Prince. He tags in Chase and they double-team Prince. Wilson tags in but Chase with an atomic drop. Mark tags in and hits the arm drab to Wilson. Wolfgang tags in and throws Wilson. Mark tags in and chops him.

Woods tags in and attacks Mark but is taken down. Wolfgang tags in and attacks Woods. Prince tags himself in and attacks Woods in the corner. Prince hits the suplex. Cover! 1…2..kick out. Wilson tags in and hits the back elbow. Cover! 1..2…kick out. Wilson with a couple of elbows to Woods. Prince tags in and they both chop down Woods. Woods with a dropkick.

Woods tags in Kpfi and he attacks everyone. He hits the dropkick to Prince and hits the clothesline to Wilson and Mark. He then delivers the Boom drop. He hits the SOS on Prince. Cover! 1..2..Wilson makes the save.

Everybody gets involved and knock each other down. Prince picks up Kofi and they hit the double-team move. Cover! 1..2…kick out. Pretty Deadly attack Kofi. Wilson sent outside. Woods tags in and they hit the double team stomp. Cover! 1..2…all teams jump in to break it up.

An all-out brawl breaks out. Kofi sets Chase on the top rope but he is thrown off to everyone on the outside. Wilson tries to suplex him but he gets suplexed onto everyone on the outside.

Chase is attacked by Gallus. Duke saves Chase and attacks both members of Gallus. Wilson attacks Duke and they try to suplex him through the table but he fights out of it. He is sent into the apron.

Wilson clotheslines Pretty Deadly and hits the senton on Wilson and tosses Prince. He hits the clothesline on Mark. Duke attacks both members of Gallus on the outside but they put him through the announcer’s table.

They go after Chase next. Chase sends Wolfgang outside and hits the side Russian leg sweep on Mark. He then stomps Mark in the ring. He climbs the top rope and hits the cross body. Cover! 1…2…kick out. He locks in the figure four leg lock and Wolfgang with the Swanton Bomb and they double-team him. Cover! 1..2….kick out.

Kofi attacks Mark and sends Wolfgang outside. He then drives onto Pretty Deadly but are caught and they hit spilt milk.

Woods knocks down Mark. He dives but is caught by wolfgang and they hit they slam him to the mat for the win.

Winner: Gallus (c)

*Commercial break*

Grayson Waller is shown getting ready for his match.

Triple Threat Match For The NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Gigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jayne

Toxic Attraction’s theme song plays and Gigi and Jacy Jayne come out together. Roxanne Perez’s theme song plays and she walks to the ring.

The match begins and Toxic Attraction both attack Perez. They plant Roxanne to the mat. Perez goes for the clothesline but is caught and slammed by Toxic Attraction. Hacy goes for a boot but misses and Roxanne attacks her and Gigi.

Jacy knocks Roxanne down. Near miscommunication from Toxic Attraction allows Roxanne to dropkick both of them. She hits the double-arm drag and dives onto Gigi on the outside. Jayne dives but catches Gigi. Roxanne sends her into the ring.

Roxanne with the cross face but is rolled but couldn’t get the win. Jayne with a neckbreaker and she attacks her. Jayne chops Roxanne. Jayne goes to work on Perez. Perez is knocked down again. Gigi pulls Jacy out of the ring and they argue. Perz goes for a dropkick and Gigi pulls her in the way. Gigi slams Perez into the steps and then into the barricade.

Gigi slams Perez on the apron. She hits the back suplex. Cover! 1..2..Jayne stops the count. She goes into the cover but its stopped by Gigi. They both argue shove each other.

Jayne slaps Dolin and she returns it. Jayne with a roll-up but no pinfall. Perez with a cross body on both of them. She hits the clothesline on both of them. She then attacks both of them in the corner. She hits the Russian Leg Sweep/DDT combo. Cover! 1..2..kick out.

Jaybne catches Perez and places her in the tree of woe and attacks her before hitting the cannonball. She then hits the knee. Cover but broken up by Dolin. Jacy and Dolin exchange strikes. Jacy knocks down Dolin.

Jayne attacks Perez in the corner. Dollin attacks both of them and hits the suplex but Jayn with a senton on Dolin. They all exchange strikes in the ring. Toxic Attraction supekicks Perez. Jayne headbutts Dolin and she falls on Perez. 1..2…kick out.

They send Perez out of the ring and get the table. They try to put her through the table but she fights out of it and hits the pop rocks on Dolin. She then slams Jayne into the apron. She climbs the top rope but is stopped by Jayne.

She goes for a super plex but is stopped by Roxanne. Dolin tries to help her but is thrown onto the table and Perez hits the super pop rocks for the win.

Winner: Roxanne Perez (c)

*Commercial break*

Steel Cage Match For The NXT Championship: Bron Breakker (c) vs. Grayson Waller

Grayson Waller’s theme song plays and he walks out to the ring. Bron Breakker’s music plays next and he comes out to the ring.

As Bron tries to enter the ring is ambushed by Waller who sends him into the barricade. Bron fights back and throws him into the barricade. He slams the cage door into Waller’s face.

He gets in the ring and closes the door. He tries to escape but Bron attacks him. Waller fights back. Bron with a vicious clothesline. He then hits the suplex on Waller and follows it with a moonsault.

Waller punches Bron and hits the DDT. Cover! 1..2…kick out. Waller goes to work on Breakker. He tries to send Bron into the cage but is blocked. Bron hits the belly-to-belly slam. He then catches Waller and slams him again. He climbs the top rope and hits the bulldog.

Bron goes for the spear but misses and hits the cage. Cover! 1..2..kick out. Waller attacks Bron. Waller sends Bron into the cage. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Waller stays on the attack.

Waller with a splash on Breakker. He then goes for a crossbody but is caught. Waller then escapes and sends Breakker into the cage. He then hits the Imprettier.Cover! 1…2..kick out.

Waller with a suplex. He climbs the top rope but is stopped by Bron who hits the hurricanrana. Cover! 1..2..kick out. Breakker goes for the dive but is caught by waller who then hits the elbow drop from the top rope. Cover! 1..2…kick out.

He ties up Bron in the ropes and attacks him. He then spears Bron who is getting fired up and he escapes. Waller tries to escape again but is thrown off the cage and sent into the cage. He picks up Waller and throws him into the cage.

Waller low blows Breakker and hits the stunner. Cover! 1…2…kick out. He climbs up to the top of the cage. Bron goes after him and he tries to escape but Bron hits the superplex from the top. Cover! 1…2….kick out.

Bron hits the spear. Bron hits another spear for the win.

Winner: Bron Breakker (c)

Following the match, Carmelo Hayes comes out with Trick Williams.

This ends our live coverage of NXT Vengeance Day.
